Thursday, May 23, 2013

Small Update... or The One and Only Time

What's up Dorks?

Just a quick update for you. I am furiously working on more posts to entertain and educate the humble masses... Including a post of a glossary of terms so the uninitiated Disney Dorks(Mom... Lookin' at you on this one) can have some help with understanding what I am writing about.

FSL and I met up with The Pesk and Rossco Soooooooooooletrain earlier this week. We had a blast! We had lunch at Big Thunder Ranch, drinks at Cove Bar and Dinner at Carthay. Yep! We ate goodly! In between all that we went on a bunch of attractions and had a crap ton of laughs(for clarification a "crap ton" is more than a poop ton but less than a shit ton). Rossco took a BUNCH of amazing pictures. I am hoping that we can collaborate on a post and hopefully he will put up some of his great photos... hint... There MAY be a picture of a celebrity... or TWO... OOOOOOH! Did I peak your interest?

An aside... I am watching Supernatural and just saw a guy get gored by a Unicorn... with rainbows shooting out its butt... Yep. That happened.

I got the crazy notion that I am going to record my blog into an audio version for those of you who are less inclined to, you know... read. Did a sample recording and I came up with two conclusions. The first, it seemed waaay unnatural and stilted... but not reading ALSO seems kind of unnatural so you will just have to suffer. The second is... well, I have a habit of not proof reading. The artist in me says something like "It is written the way it is written, man... it's the soul of the blog, mistakes and all... once it's out in the ether it's there, existing..." and other hippie crap like that. The reality. I am just lazy. I would love to tell you to suck it... but instead I will say, sorry, you deserve better. Let that soak in... That will be the only time you will hear me apologize unless I am saying something like, I am sorry I am soooo god damned awesome... except when it comes to proof reading.

So that's it for now. Headed to the park with FSL today. Say Hi if you see us!


P.S. I am still going to give audio versions of the blog... I think it would be fun.

P.P.S. Uh! Oh Yeah! Totally going to Cove Bar today... Obviously...

P.P.P.S I feel like there is something I forgot to tell you... hmmmmm...

P.P.P.P.S. I wonder how long I can keep up these Post Scripts...

P.P.P.P.P.S. I remember! FSL and I are going to... Wait for it... Club 33! Of course there will be a post about it...

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Last one... I promise... GIF TIME!!! Full Splash Mountain final drop! Purple ears is FSL, striped hat is The Pesk and the Poncho... is obviously, Poncho Villa Hernandez a.k.a Rossco LameTrain because he is wearing a poncho...

1 comment:

  1. Lol lametrain! Funny how u can see the full body condom topper in that gif! Holding on to that fuckin thing made the water funnel straight to my butt! ...had a major case of wet ass
