Friday, March 1, 2013


For those that don't  know, a "walk off" happens when an attraction breaks down and a cast member has to come walk you off the ride. 

While we were sitting on the balcony eating breakfast, there was a "walk off" on Sky School, I believe I made fun of them for getting stuck out in the sun... I may have called them suckers.  When we finally made it out into the park the ride was running again.  Let me be the first to say that this ride scares me- err...  Nothing scares me,  I am an evil genius after all. So let me be the first to say, this ride is super dumb because it causes my palms to sweat and dwell on my mortality. But I figured maybe I will give this heap o' crap another chance. I liked it. The first part was stupid for the aforementioned reasons, but the rest was fun. We were in the home stretch and it stopped dead in its tracks! They backed people out of the queue and sent ride operators up to the other cars. They finally came for us. 


Got a sun burned side of the face and a fast pass for any other ride in DCA... except Carsland. Boo.  But Yay! 'cause it was fun and we got something for it.
That is the sun slapping me in the face
Fast Pass
Our stuck plane

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